The work of Miriam's Heart has been strongly supported by communities of faith. Please consider inviting your congregation to join us in sharing guidance, resources, and hope with children and families.
Ways to participate
Join CarePortalNJ
Respond to the needs of children and families in your community. Create opportunity for meaningful connections, increased awareness of local needs, and an enhanced ability to take action! Pastors and church leaders who have already signed up have said that CarePortal allows them to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and helps their congregations to grow and disciple each other.
Special Offering
Many area churches use Orphan and Stand Sunday services as an opportunity to take a special offering to benefit Miriam's Heart.
Our name is inspired by the sister of Moses, the legendary leader of the ancient Hebrews, and the selfless way she advocated for her brother. Before he could lead millions of others out of great oppression, saving Moses himself required extraordinary action. It was the compassion, bravery, and care in Miriam’s heart that gave her the strength to watch over and advocate for her brother in dangerous circumstances, ensuring both his security in the arms of a daughter of Pharaoh and a way to keep him safely connected with his family.
Miriam's Heart Fund
The Miriam's Heart fund assists families with the costs of adoption and post-placement therapy and counseling fees. As far as we can determine, we are the only fund focused on meeting the needs of adoptive families in the Northeast that offers support regardless of the agency, church, organizational or other affiliations of the family. All monies that are placed in the Miriam's Heart Fund will go directly toward adoption expenses and post-placement therapy and support for adoptive children and families.