All children who have been adopted or in foster care have suffered tremendously. Being placed in a safe family is not the end of the trauma. Miriam's Heart was founded to help children and families thrive
Our name is inspired by the sister of Moses, the legendary leader of the ancient Hebrews, and the selfless way she advocated for her brother. Before he could lead millions of others out of great oppression, saving Moses himself required extraordinary action. It was the compassion and care in Miriam’s heart that gave her the strength to watch over and advocate for her brother in dangerous circumstances, ensuring both his security in the arms of a daughter of Pharaoh and a way to keep him safely connected with his family.
When a child is at risk, the need for everyone in that child's life to take action is crucial. Our organization is committed to the idea that through a caring community children can thrive and families can be restored.

Miriam’s Heart is a grassroots, New Jersey-based
non-profit founded in 2009, that radically supports children who've been adopted or placed in foster care and their families.

Envisioning a world where
children thrive and families are restored

Learn More
Dealing with the challenges of today requires problem-solvers who bring different perspectives and are willing to take risks. Miriam's Heart emerged out of a pursuit to inspire and support the community, and a desire for actions to speak louder than words. Established in 2009, we’re an organization driven by progressive ideas, bold actions, and a strong foundation of support. Contact us to learn more and get involved.
Faith compels us
Faith is as essential to our story as it was for Moses and his. Our board members are Christians who firmly believe that every child has tremendous value in the eyes of God. While originally started as a ministry operating out of the home and home church of our co-founders, Elizabeth & James Occhipinti beginning in 2009, Miriam’s Heart has been an independent charity since 2013. However, connections with churches and people of faith is an undeniably significant part of who we are. It is our faith that compels us to help all people and families. We believe that the Christian faith requires us to love our neighbors, protect the fatherless, speak out against injustice, bind up the wounded, and to bring the lonely into families - to be a light in a hurting world; and we are doing that through our work here.
Like our namesake, we are not afraid to get our hands dirty to advocate in the face of terrible circumstances, as we know that a divine plan is often hidden among mud and reeds.
Questions? Connect with us at info@miriamsheart.org.

Today, 140 million kids don't have a permanent home. This is tragic.
Here in America children remain the most vulnerable to poverty and abuse. Sadly, this trauma predicts negative outcomes across all domains of development. When you stand in the gap you offer children hope and parents tools to build resilience and heal.
Here at Miriam's Heart we believe every child deserves a family that is supported and prepared. Your gift makes that possible.
Make checks payable to:
Miriam's Heart
215 West Union Avenue
2nd Floor
Bound Brook, NJ 08805